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Donor Advised Fund

What is a Donor Advised Fund?

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes.

How can I direct a gift to Smithsonian Associates?

Use the following link to select your Donor Advised Fund and begin the process of recommending a gift to Smithsonian Associates.

To direct your DAF distribution to Smithsonian Associates:

  • In your DAF portal, search for Smithsonian Institution as the organization name.
  • Add Smithsonian Associates in the designation or notes field.
  • Ensure your name and membership ID number are clearly listed on the check or supporting documentation.
Your Smithsonian Associates
member ID number is:
Give now from your
Donor-Advised Fund

What if I am not able to use the DAF portal?

Contact your DAF representative and ask them to direct your DAF distribution to the Smithsonian Institution and add designation to Smithsonian Associates at the following address:

Smithsonian Institution
Designation: Smithsonian Associates
PO Box 23293
Washington, DC, 20026-3293
Tax ID Number: 53-0206027

As all Smithsonian Institution entities share the same tax ID, your gift will be processed faster if your DAF representative includes the following information with the distribution:

  1. Smithsonian Associates as the organization name
  2. Your name, address, and membership ID number
  3. The purpose of your gift (i.e. membership renewal, donation, etc.)

Can I renew my membership using my Donor Advised Fund?

Yes. In the designation field on your DAF portal, please indicate that you wish to renew your Smithsonian Associates membership and ensure your name and membership ID number (if known) are clearly listed.

In accordance of IRS regulations, Smithsonian Associates cannot provide membership benefits, including Smithsonian magazine, that have a value for tax purposes in return for DAF grants. We encourage you to speak with your tax advisor regarding any DAF questions.

Looking for more ways to give?

There are many ways you can support Smithsonian Associates and make a meaningful impact!